Why chatbots?
Freeing people to other work
Chatbots may process repeated, simple tasks freeing human to work on more demanding tasks.
Familiar environment
Chatbots give the company the ability to solve customer problems in a familiar channel known to the customer.
Accessibility and easy to use
Customers appreciate Chatbot’s self-service model. Service is immediately available, quickly and easily.
High Quality
Chatbots are tireless and they don’t make errors.
Isoft.ai chatbot
Product or custom
We offer solution according requirements based on our own product platforms or customized development work
AI powered with leading technologies
Our chatbots core technolgies are based on leading AI technologies from Microsoft, Amazon and Google.

Our chatbot features
Saves time
Chatbot can handle tasks on behalf of man and release human time for other tasks
Always available
Chatbot is always available, tirelessly working and delivering quality service
Understands you
Our Chatbots understand Finnish. The user can communicate with the bot freely in their own language by typing or speaking
Learns from users
Our chatbots learn automatically or by active learning. We offer tools and support services for chatbot optimization
Works as you want
User interface, dialog, and integrations to other applications implemented according customer requirements
Looks smashing
Visualize dialog using images, videos animations and smart forms
Multiple channels
Website chatbot, Facebook, Skype, Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, text messages, customized channels
Shares information
Easy integration to variuos live chat products. Integration support to over 1000 various applications
Easy to deploy
Cloud service from reliable Microsoft Azure service

Chatbot implementation
Agile and efficient
We implement the chatbot solution always according the needs of our customers using agile and efficient work methods
Reasonable pricing
The cost of the solution can be maintained at a reasonable level by utilizing Isoft’s own platforms and components.
High quality
We use market-leading Microsoft and Google AI services in our solutions
Full lifecycle services
We offer all chatbot solution services. From specification and implementation to hosting and support services.
Chatbot pricing
Simple pricing model
Pricing is based on a fixed startup fee and a monthly payment based on the selected service level.
Suitable service package
We offer service packages where our customers can choose the most suitable support and hosting services for their needs.
Please contact us for more details on our pricing.

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